Joola Valley Open III at the Chico Racquet Club
October 12th, 2023 — October 15th, 2023
Chico Racquet Club & Resort
1629 Manzanita Ave
Chico, CA 95926, USA
>> Tournament Details and Registration
Welcome to JVO3, bigger and better than ever!
The first two Joola Valley Opens at the Chico Racquet Club were a tremendous success and we are excited to take all that we learned to make this one the best yet! Our goal is to put on the best experience possible for the Northern California pickleball community and beyond, with 4 days of competition and fun for all ages and skill levels! We will have size specific t-shirts for all early bird entrants, awesome prizes and gift cards, Daniel’s famous raffle, quality medals, beer and refreshments, and for the first time: singles divisions on Thursday evening, optional age brackets, live music, local food catering, ping pong, and more!
Thursday, October 12th, 6-9pm – Womens/ Mens Singles divisions.
Friday, October 13th, 6pm-9pm – Pizza party/ open play night! Anyone registered in the tournament is welcome to come hang out, enjoy pizza and drinks on us, and get some warm up games in the night before the tourney.
Saturday, October 14th, 8am-7pm – Womens/ Mens divisions.
Sunday, October 15th, 8am-2pm – Mixed divisions.
10am- Live music by Pat Hull
2pm- Daniels raffle
2:30pm – “Championship Sunday”, Womens 4.5+ title game, Mens 4.5+ title game, and Mixed 4.5+ title game!
(If either of the Womens 4.5+ or Mens 4.5+ finals teams cannot play on Sunday, we will accommodate and do the title game at the end of the day on Saturday)
Start time for Saturday/ Sunday will be 8am, with warm up and check in starting at 7am. We will be staggering the start times for divisions to make the days flow as smoothly as possible. A full schedule will be released once registration is closed a few days before the tournament.
Early bird registration, through September 11th at midnight, is $90 per team ($45 per player), per doubles event. Thursday singles = $20.
*Only early bird entrants will get free size specific t-shirts, sign up early!
Late Registration, September 12th-October 8th, is $120 per team ($60 per player), per doubles event. Thursday singles = $30.
*Full refunds will be given until October 5th (minus service fees which are non refundable)
Contact and inquiries:
Daniel Hawk call 301-275-8393
Jordan Henegar call 530-513-8167
>> Tournament Details and Registration