fuego gameJorge Salas is a member of our Chico Pickleball community and a counselor at Chico Jr. His love of all types of games led him to create a hot new card game called FUEGO! Check out the description below!

Fuego! Is a race to get rid of your cards! In this game of shifting alliances, players are encouraged to openly plot against each other to prevent opponents from playing all of their cards. But beware! When you are about to go out, the other players will try to stop you! Deliberate, strategies and cooperate before “Ya Burnt!”. For more information check out the Fuego Game website.

Pick up your game at the following retail stores:


  • Made in Chico
  • Bird in Hand
  • Bat Comics
  • Bellachino’s Cafe
  • Star Liquors

Redding and Red Bluff

  • Enjoy the Store

You can also purchase it online on Amazon.

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